• 7713 Miller Fall Road, Rockville, Maryland 20855
  • Mon - Friday  9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • 301-535-9488


Welcome to Miracle Group

Health Care Consulting

Miracle Group's healthcare consulting team guides individuals and organizations through the many challenges of starting and running a healthcare business, such as assisted living start-up and hand over key; residential agency services; staffing agency start up; ;workforce development, and certified medication technician.


Complex Care: Intermittent or Continuous by RN/LPN

Services include wound care, medication and disease management, Tracheostomy Care, Intravenous or Infusion Therapy, Parental Nutrition (TPN or LIPIDS), Enteral Nutrition (GT-Tube, NG-TUBE, J-TUBE) And More.

24/7 Personal Care

Whether you need 24-hour in-home care or occasional assistance/companionship in daily task or personal care, short term care while recovering from medical procedure, Miracle Care Agency is there for you. The agency provides day and night services, including weekends and holidays.

Miracle Manor Assisted Living: Our House, Your Home

Our residents receive 24-hour comprehensive care including: housekeeping, dressing, homemade meals and snacks, bathing, personal hygiene and 24-hour on-site supervision.

Our Services

Miracle Group provides health care consulting, residential service agency level 3 in home care, 24/7 complex or personal care, and assisted living services.

Miracle Group's care coordinators
are always available

Have Questions?

Are you in need of care or in search of care for your senior loved one? At Miracle Group, we believe the first step in making a great decision for assisted living or in home care is getting the information you need. If you are in search of these services, or if you just need additional information, please complete the form below or call one of our care coordinators at 301-535-9488.

Area Inquiry *     
How did you hear about us?   

Image of young lady with headphone in call center or waiting for a phone call